Hi! I am Lorenzo Casalino, a post-doctoral researcher at CentralSupélec (Rennes, France), and integrated in the SUSHI team (INRIA/Irisa). Together with the other members of the ANR ATTILA project, I am exploring the application of the approximate computing paradigm to protect deep neural network implementations against passive side-channel attacks.
I did my Ph.D., issued by the Sorbonne Université (Paris, France), at the CEA-List (Grenoble, France), where I investigated the impact of CPU microarchitectures on the practical security of masked software implementations of cryptographic primitives.
My research interests concern with the hardware security of sensitive applications, the investigation of innovative countermeasures and the employment of tools (for instance, compilation tools) to aid their application.
L. Casalino (2024). “(On) The Impact of the Micro-architecture on Countermeasures against Side-Channel Attacks”. Sorbonne Universite.
L. Casalino, N. Belleville, D. Couroussé and K. Heydemann (2023). “A Tale of Resilience: On the Practical Security of Masked Software Implementations”. IEEE Access.
A Tale of Resilience: On the Practical Security of Masked Software Implementations. IACR CHES. Prague, Czech Republic, Sept. 10-14, 2023.